onsdag 28. januar 2009
HA HA HA..... MY GOD.....
lørdag 24. januar 2009

mandag 19. januar 2009
LOGO IS DONE, I think..... :D

torsdag 15. januar 2009
Here we go!
An advanced artificial intelligence finds an old Computer. The android is trying to start a conversation when the old system crashes.
Android er i ruinert bygg. Hun ser seg rundt og får øye på en gammel datamaskin. Androiden går mot maskinen (Camera fra side). I en sprekk i veggen ser vi landskap av ørken og ruiner. Referance Fallout 3). Det er post acopalyptic ftemning.
OLD MONITOR, with the text Construct embedded in upper left corner of the plastic, LIGHTS UP. An ANDROID waits while the machine boots, reading the text as it flashes by. When the process seems complete, the android SPEAK with a female voice.
”Hello. I am Valkyrie, serial number 7CH13. What is your name and serial number?”
No response.
Valkyre wipes dust off the name on the box with a smooth, silver colored finger.
“I shall address you as Construct for the time being.”
The android finds a spotted, mildly decomposing keyboard. She shakes it slightly, letting debris fall off.
“Your interface is outdated, but quite adequate.”
She presses a series of buttons at high speed. The screen suddenly CHANGES COLOR and layout, showing only the words:
Valkyre moves her head and ask: “Why, Construct, do you wish to continue, when the error has proven fatal for your operation? I do not believe a reboot will eliminate the error.”
The androids hand glides gently over the box.
“If you insist, Construct, I will try to repair your operating system.”
The android pauses for a bit. The only noise heard is the quiet humming of the aging Construct. Valkyre reaches over the monitor, tips it slightly forward. She lets go off the keyboard, pulls out a cable from her shoulder and connect it to Construct. (Digital sound)
Valkyre strekker venstere hand mot tastature igjen og begynner å taste fort. Beskjed på sjermen popper opp mens Valkyre fortsetter å jobbe.
Valkyre: “I see you have some video files. Do you want to play it now?”
Construct starting to load a file. En random apokalyptiske video spiller av(5th element som reference. Bider forandrer seg fra avisutkliupp til photo som forklarer oss hva som skjedde med verden). Ansiktsuttryk til Valkyle forandrer seg etter som video blir mer og mer voldelig. Suddenly an error message appears.
Valkyle starting to shake.”Construct, you have a virus in your system! Warning! Warning!”
Valkyle fortsetter å riste. Kortslutning. Gnister kommer ut av hennes ledd.
Mens livet slukner sakte i Valkyle, hennes program fortsetter kortslutte.” Why, Construct, do you wish to continue….. Why, Construct….. do you wish to….. Why….” Valkyle faller sammen og hennes lys debber ut.
Construct booter opp etter en liten stund I total stilhet, kaster svakt lys over deler av androiden og blir stående slik.
The end