onsdag 18. mars 2009

Testing, solving problems and testing again....

A lot of things happens lately. Here is a render of Valkyrie. I did some updates on model sins, but they are not major updates so I think that it is OK to post these image.

Work and files is floating in our group. Every body is doing something in every part of the project so we do not get tired of doing the same thing.  I did some modeling and texturing and primitive lightning on our interior scene. 

Garbage in the conner is particle system. It works from a distance but on the close hold we have to composite garbage manually.

 One of our group member was sick today, but he did a lot of work at home. In mail that I received  from him he told me about crazy rendertime that he got to begin with. 10 hours per frame!!! After hours with tutorials he got it down to 3 minutes per frame... Anyway... we came up with a back-up plan in case final scene will be to havy to render out.

Everything that is marked red can be textured as a planes with opacity maps. Green stuff is buildings that is under discussion and blue is modeled and textured in 3D.

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